Monday, January 04, 2010

new beginnings

Blah blah new year blah...

Frankly I feel no better than last year - worse at times. I envy those who seem to be able to squeeze creativity out of pain: for me it's a deadening weight in my mind, crushing all creativity.

Not to say that every moment of my life is filled with ennui, dolour, existential angst and inescapable misery. No, no - sometimes I'm asleep!

I kid.

Actually, I had a pretty fucking legendary New Year's Eve. One, unfortunately, that modesty, libel laws and the desire not to incriminate myself forbids I record here. Suffice to say that I burnt the candle at both ends - then upgraded to a halogen lamp.

I was also, against the odds and most undeserved, blessed with an absence of hangover. A small mercy but a welcome one.

Unfortunately the real world intrudes. Rude fucker that it is.

Blogyear resolution: I'm determined to overcome the self-censorship that has inevitably crept in eti (note cool unconventional othographic use of lowercase acronym - how fucking hip am I?). Unfortunately (or not - depending on your pov) today is not the day for baring my tortured soul. Gotta leave the punters wanting more, right?

Keep coming back for more irregularly updated windbaggery!



mc said...

The punters are waiting with baited breath. x

helena said...

You're back! Brilliant! Me too! (I'm rapidly using up my quota of exclaimation marks!!)

Def agree with you on the blogyear resolution. Self-censorship does tend to creep in doesn't it? I reckon that the trick is not to read what you've written even after you've posted it.