Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Apologies to my cyberpeeps for lack of postage. But I have a very good excuse:

I'm going insane.

Reason: I have to be out of my flat by thursday and I'm leaving the country in 12 days. I've been in this house for 4 1/2 years and have accumulated soooo much crap.... I have to decide which of the 1500 books I want to store at the wrinklies', what to do with the 100-odd plants, get rid of furniture, kitchen gear, pictures, general stuff... It's all a bit of a stress.

So there won't be much in the way of output from the fishboy for a wee while. Fear not, for I shall return weirder than ever sometime after thursday. Probably after I've slept for a couple of days straight.

Hope everyone is chuffing along nicely and has a great Easter planned. I've booked a lovely padded cell for the weekend. With a nice wrap-around jacket too - just like giving yourself a big hug.

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