Wednesday, May 10, 2006
things that annoy me #4278
But more specifically (this time) my immediate boss
While she's a reasonably good person to work for, she's picked up an irritating habit. She's one of these people that imitates other people's accents and speech mannerisms when she talks to them. Which is kinda amusing usually: she'll end up with an attempted Irish accent when talking to a couple of the temps here and she doesn't realise she's doing it.
But recently she's developed this habit of hissing her s's (esses? 's'es? How are you supposed to write that?), probably from hanging out with someone who does the same.
Perhaps she thinks it sounds a bit more posh or something.
To my ears she sounds like that creepy old guy with the walking-frame from Family Guy..
Worse still, despite the fact that I've lost a fair amount of hearing - due to a misspent youth listening to loud bands in tiny rooms - I still have good high-range hearing, this means that all I can hear from over in her corner of the office is this whistling/hissing whenever she talks. And
she's always talking.
It's like working with a budgie. Or a dolphin.
She's driving me insane..
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Rumours of this blog's demise have been greatly exaggerated
As most things on here are.
So I'm back. Ish.
Not that I have anything much to say, I just missed saying very little. Very occasionally.
As always I can't finish anything. So this blog, much like my life, will limp along in fits & starts - that's the rhythm I seem to have settled into.
So, brief recap. I went to NZ for my 2nd Dan grading. I passed. Despite being comprehensively body-slammed in the fighting (thanks Darel!). Thank god that's all over for another few years..
NZ was lovely. Christchurch was lovely: autumn is the *best* season there. Caught up with many of my friends and their spawn. Fortunately less of the spawn-flaunting this time - I think the novelty is wearing off. So much so that some of them are having to have a second sprog to keep the interest levels up..
Now I'm back in Sydney, back at work, back into the grind.. Wheee..
On the plus side, in three months time I'll be winging my way to France to spend a month hanging out in Paris. Eating baguettes, drinking Beaujolais, and smoking Gauloises. Well, maybe just pretending to smoke.
So, yeah, not much to report - 'cept that I am alive. More soon.
Oh yeah, and May the fourth be with you.